- Our School
PBIS at Home
Family involvement is key to any behavior system. Here are some ideas for you to support PBIS at home:
Family involvement is key to any behavior system. Here are some ideas for you to support PBIS at home:
- Remind your child of the SOAR Behavior Expectations before they leave for school.
- Use the Skyridge School Behavior Matrix as a tool to reinforce expectations and develop your own matrix with expectations for home.
- Ask if your child received a Falcon Feather today.
- Recognize and praise your child for the positive behaviors he/she engaged in throughout the day.
- If your child receives a referral, discuss the situation with him or her. Try to use the referral as a teaching tool to support positive behaviors in the future.
- Help your child get ready to get to school or the bus on time. Help your child remember the things they will need to be successful such as completed homework, library books, permission slips, and backpack.
- Please help monitor school-wide expectations with your child during school events. For example, remind your child to use playground equipment appropriately before and after school.
- Families can create their own Behavior Matrix based on school expectations and give rewards at home.