- Our School
Sight Word Busters
Want to help your child become a successful reader? One way you can help is to give them practice reading the set of words that are repeated over and over in their reading books. Dr. Fry, a highly regarded reading professor, found that the same 25 words make up approximately 1/3 of all published text. He noted that 100 words make up about 50%, and 300 words make up 65% of all written material. These words are called ‘high frequency words’ because of the many times they appear in text.
They are also referred to as ‘sight words’ because it is helpful for students to recognize these words instantly when they see them. Some of these words are especially difficult for children to read because they don’t follow the ‘sounding out’ rules. That is why teachers send these words home every week. They are super important and knowing them greatly assists children in developing fluency and comprehension.
So give your child a real boost by studying these words when they come home. You can play sight word games or use good old fashioned flashcards.
You can take it one step further and become a Sight Word Buster volunteer in your child’s classroom. Four or five volunteers form the classroom team. Each team member spends only one hour each week helping students practice these words. Each student has a sight word book and works through each page of words with the volunteer. You don’t need teaching experience, all of the training is free. It is fun and a great way to support your child and the other children in the classroom. Visit www.SightWordBusters.org for more information about becoming a volunteer.

Interested in Volunteering?
Interested in Volunteering?
Do you enjoy working with children? Would you like to help boost the reading and learning skills of our students? If so, you may want to become a Sight Word Busters Volunteer!